FREE SHIPPING orders over $75 FREE CANDLE purchase of 4 or more
FREE SHIPPING orders over $75 FREE CANDLE purchase of 4 or more
Discover why CANDLE.NYC ® stands out as the ultimate non-toxic candle in the US.
We pride ourselves on offering an unparalleled selection of candles that embody the essence of luxury and sophistication. Experience the best candles NYC has to offer at CANDLE NYC.
Handmade in NYC using a century old secret family formula.
Soy Wax, Essential Oils, Non-toxic, Paraffin-free, Vegan.
Family-owned New York Candle Company.
Delve into our enlightening blog post Toxic Candle Ingredients to gain insights into hazardous ingredients frequently employed by other candle companies.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson aptly said, "The first wealth is health."
If you call New York City a home and you get homesick, sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, events, and our CANDLE NYC shop.